About Us

Grow Your Wealth With Our Leading Edge Solutions!

Our team is diverse in more than one sense but particularly the range of expertise and experience acquired in different markets across the globe. It is this diversity which drives our successes in all areas that we are involved in.

Epikaizo Capital answers the large demand for growth capital in Africa.
For entrepreneurs, we help to accelerate expansion by providing
funding as well as active support. For investors, we provide exposure to the best growth opportunities in this space.
Company Brochure
Dr Raymond Chamba
Executive Chairman
Released projects and strategies planned by company in 2024.
Qualified and dedicated team of financial experts to help you.
Satisfied and happy clients we have servedall over the world.
Years of proven financial expertise in wealth management planning.
Integrate a diverse range of ideas

We believe investing powers each fund and aim to increase diversity of ideas and reduce volatility of

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Deliver the highest quality outcomes

Our research is more than just numbers. Year over year, we get to know the people who make the company work.

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Believe in powerof implication

We keeping close contact with our management and spending time on location, drive a deep operational

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Integrate a diverse range of ideas

We believe investing powers each fund and aim to increase diversity of ideas and reduce volatility of

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What Our Customers Feel About Our Services!

When our customers succeed, so do we!!

How does it work?

Expect and deliver the highest quality outcomes.

Acknowledge needs

We prepare for your meeting by identifying key milestones or events that have happened since we last met to see if they’re well positioned.

Provide a perspective

We ascertain our client’s financial to determine whether they should seek investments weighted toward preservation of capital.

Discuss opportunities

We will provide recommendations in sensible investment choices that will help our clients meet their long term goals or fund their retirement.

Our Visionaries

Our commitment to quality, including the results of our internal, governance and the standards that expect all of our member firms to follow. 
Our Leadership Team

A venture capital firm with cutting edge skills to optimize investment returns. We work in partnership with private individuals, companies, banks, insurers, pension funds, hedge funds and governments to unlock financial opportunities. We design innovative solutions around structured investments to meet a wide range of financial objectives. 
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